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Showing posts from July, 2017

Locking in structure, picking finishes and wiring

Design Ctr Guidelines It has been a hectic week, we passed our 5 day cancel mark and approaching our 30 day mark. On Friday 6/23 we met with T.A.C Tile to pick our finishes. Our rep was really nice and we were allowed to bring our 16 month old daughter but we kept her in her stroller. Some design centers do not allow children so make sure you check before going. You have up to 2 hours in the design center but if you go with a vision, pics of your style and an idea board it goes faster because the rep is able to see what you are looking for, our appointment lasted 45 mins. Also prior to going to this appointment we went to 3 different models of the Carolina Place to see the different design options, I would recommend taking pictures both distance and detail pics. of things you like Also if you see something you like in the model don't be afraid to ask what it is. I asked for a list of all the finishes and paint color in a particular model and they supplied me with a print out of

Building our Carolina Place with Ryan Homes

Our original home search started Oct. 2016 we were looking specifically for a single level home as I have a partial artificial knee and like to avoid stairs if necessary. One afternoon after leaving my in-laws we drove past a sign for a Ryan development and my husband said "Maybe they have single level homes" I said "I doubt it most large builders do not build single level homes." Well I feel like the universe set me up just so I would have to eat my words because once we got home my husband insisted I look them up and of course there was the beautiful Carolina Place. At that time we still had my husbands bachelor condo and unfortunately the market was not kind to us, so to even think about selling it we had to clean out our savings which was also our down payment for the Carolina Place. 😢 We listed our condo in November and 3 days later we had an offer, unfortunately the deal

New Chapter

This weekend kick started a new chapter in our lives. We are building a home! Originally we were going to go with Quality Built Homes (QBH) the Brentwood model. This was our dream home everything about it was perfect…or so we thought. Nothing against them at all they were professional, helpful and patient. However, we could not look past the commute my husband would have to make (1hr 15mins one way not including traffic) we are a close family and enjoy our time together. Also, we were not 100% sold on a propane tank heating system nothing wrong with it just not a fit for us. Soooooo we went with Carolina Place with Ryan homes. Check in soon for the next blog with the details.